World's largest total marine restoration in Antigua

2003 CEAntigua

"Stanford Development Company Ltd. (SDC) and the Reef Ball Foundation, Inc. recently conducted the world’s largest total marine ecosystem restoration, which included both coral reef and mangrove habitats. Approximately 3,500 Reef Balls, prefabricated concrete modules designed to mimic natural reefs, were installed around Maiden Island on both its windward and leeward side . . . Constructed in just 2 months, the reef system was planted with live corals salvaged from a future dredging site and then propagated using innovative new methods. In all, 5,000 new coral colonies, including threatened Staghorn and Elkhorn corals, were permanently attached to adapters in the Reef Balls to form a functioning reef. On the leeward side of the island, an integrated restoration was designed in which 2,000 Reef Balls were deployed to create a breakwater reef, and more than 4,200 red mangrove seedlings were planted along the shoreline. Because mangroves are so important for the health of coastal ecosystems–e.g. shoreline stabilization, habitat for juvenile fish and other marine life, and filtration of pollutants from incoming fresh water – it is hoped that this multifaceted restoration will yield greater environmental benefits than either project would if done separately."

"Antigua: Maiden Island Total Reef Restoration," Society for Ecological Restoration.

Image: Adam Reeder via Flickr, Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC 2.0)