Salt marsh restoration in Venice

2020 CEItaly

". . . more than 55,000 hectares of [The Venice] lagoon will be restored [. . .] in one of the first projects funded by the European New Green Deal . . . The Venice lagoon is the largest coastal wetland in Italy and hosts a unique range of biotypes, sandbanks, reeds, seagrass meadows, and expanses of mud. The project aims to accelerate and improve the regeneration of the lagoon, optimising the colonisation process of species that are typical of salt marshes, in order to maximise their ecological performance — especially in terms of carbon sequestration, water purification, and restoration of biodiversity."

Enrico Costa, "Venice wetlands to be “restored” with Green Deal funds," trans. by Joangela Ceccon, cafoscariNEWS, April 11, 2021.

Image: Danny van Leeuwen, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons