Will The Monarchs Ever Reign Again?

Personal memory by Samantha Fischer

2006Brooklyn, NY, USA

It had to have been about 12 years ago. The time we saw the whole earth shake with Monarch butterflies. My husband, Jason, and I were walking down on Shore Road. This road runs parallel to the New York Harbor in our neighborhood of Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. This road is the reason why we live here. The green of the trees line the streets against the blue of the water. Once on our daily walk, Jason and I saw hundreds, maybe thousands of Monarch butterflies flitting around the trees. They were so bold and brazen to fly around our heads as we were strolling. I thought it was a dream. Maybe it was because I have never witnessed that phenomenon again. This past summer, I was lucky if I saw two passing by with a whisper. So terrible and sad to lose something so colorful and bewitching.