Where Have They Gone?

Personal memory by Lizette Hernandez

2015Palmetto, GA, USA

When I was around 7 years old my family moved from an apartment to a nice new house. Me and my younger brother would explore all the new things since this was our first time living in a proper house it felt so huge to us. We went outside on a late spring night to explore the backyard. In our woods there were hundreds upon hundreds of fireflies, or lightening bugs as I've heard them called. They really made everything feel so magical. We would stay out extra late on spring nights to catch them because they were pretty easy to catch if you found them in a group. But I'm in college now living in an area that is much more city than I'm used to so I don't see them anymore. I was looking forward to my trip home over thanksgiving because there are normally many fireflies still hanging around when we have our bonfire. However, this time when I went outside for our bonfire there were no fireflies. I thought this was odd and stopped a moment to ponder what on earth could we possibly be doing that has started to kill off all of these beautiful creatures. I haven't found out yet but maybe one day I'll find out what's happening to them.