Ohio Train Derailment

February 6, 2023East Palestine, Ohio

"Since a train carrying hazardous materials derailed in Ohio nearly two weeks ago, residents have feared for their safety. A controlled burn of the toxic materials has filled the air and covered surface waters and soil with chemicals. Dead fish have floated in nearby creeks, and an unnerving aroma has lingered in the air . . .  [C]ommentators have called the situation the “largest environmental disaster in history” or simply “Chernobyl 2.0,” invoking the 1986 nuclear disaster. They warned, without evidence, that vital water reservoirs serving states downriver could be badly contaminated . . . Local media reports described several environmental consequences from the controlled burn, including that some fish were found dead in nearby creeks and that some domesticated animals had fallen sick."

Stuart A. Thompson, "‘Chernobyl 2.0’? Ohio Train Derailment Spurs Wild Speculation." The New York Times, February 16, 2023.

Image: National Transportation Safety Board, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons