North Arabian Desert

2023 CEWestern Asia

"Undulating basaltic lava flows, gravel deserts, and brackish wetlands can all be found in this ecoregion which lies just north of Arabia’s main sand deserts. Gazelles, oryx, and Arabian wolves navigate the rocky terrain, and in the wetlands to the East and West, large populations of migrating birds can be found at the water’s edge . . . This ecoregion stretches across much of Jordan, northern Saudi Arabia and into Iraq’s western desert . . . Animal species found in the ecoregion are typical of the Arabian peninsula with caracal, Rüppell’s fox, Nubian ibex, mountain gazelle, houbara bustard, and honey badger all found inhabiting the desert plains . . . Overgrazing by livestock and hunting of wild species are both major threats facing the region’s flora and fauna." Urban expansion also places pressure on the region contributing to land fragmentation and degradation of the desert oases' water supplies.

"North Arabian Desert," One Earth.

Aidas U., CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons