Natural Quiet of the Hoh Rainforest

1938 CE

"Olympic National Park is an area of exceptional natural beauty. It contains the largest and best example of virgin temperate rain forest in the western hemisphere. The largest intact stand of coniferous forest in the contiguous 48 states and the largest truly wild herd of Roosevelt elk. The park contains one of the most pristine ecosystems in the contiguous United States with over 1200 higher plants over 300 species of birds and over 70 species of mammals. Of the 390 parks managed by the National Park Service, Olympic National Park has the greatest diversity of natural soundscape and the greatest extent of natural quiet.”


  • Protect the Hoh ecosystem from unwanted development and the Hoh river for spawning salmon. Preserve the natural quiet of the Hoh rainforest by limiting unnecessary air travel.


Gordon Hempton, The Sound Tracker