Little House, Big Forest

Personal memory by Charlie Maradue

2016Appalachian Mountains

When I was little my grandparents lived in a tiny house in a neighborhood back in the mountains. The area was remote, so much so that the neighborhood only had family living in it and would leave each other alone. In the summer it was amazing to stay outside. My favorite time was the late summer nights, lightning bugs or as other people call them "Fireflies" would come out and be all over the yard and the tree's. Summer bugs would make whatever sounds they make, deer would be running around, and me and my cousins would run around. After a while, a bird would start to sing. The was bird was called a "whip-poor-will". That has to be my favorite bird of all time. When I turned 8 my grandparents moved, although in the mountains, it was not remote and didn't have nearly as much wildlife where my grandparents used to live. I barely saw any deer, no lighting bugs, and no whip-poor-will.