Monarch Butterflies

Personal memory by Patrick Doss-Smith

1974Pepin, WI, USA

I grew up on a small dairy farm in Western Wisconsin. We grew all our own food for the animals and much of what we ate as well. Part of that included 2 or 3 rows of sweet corn on the edges of our plots of field corn. Part of my work in the summer was harvesting field corn as needed. Dad always felt that the corn should not be picked until the kettle was on the stove. I remember that along with the sweet corn there was always a lot of milkweed and as the summer wore on there would be clouds of Monarchs that emerged from their chrysalises on the milkweed. Seriously, clouds of Monarchs! Sadly, during the summer of 2013 I saw 2 Monarchs all summer, though to be fair, I live in an urban area.