Kusaie Island Starling

Extinct circa 1827Kusaie Island, Caroline Islands, Federated States of Micronesia

"During the nineteenth century, the island was much favoured by whalers who used it frequently for beaching their vessels prior to cleaning or repair.  As a result, rats were repeatedly introduced to Kusaie, which at one time was reported to be entirely overrun with them. There seems little doubt that these mammals were in some degree reponsilbe for the extinction of...the starling."

Fuller, Errol. Extinct Birds. Ithaca, NY: Comstock Pub., 2001. 359.

Von Kittlitz, F.H. Aplonis Corvina. Digital image. Uber Einge Koch Unbeschriebene Vogel Von Der Insel Luzon, Den Carolines Und Den Marianen. 1831. Web. <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Aplonis_corvina.jpg>.