Home: The Purest Form Of Life

Personal memory by Da'Ja Watson

2016Orlando, FL, USA

Whether it's sitting outside drinking tea or fishing with a couple of friends, nature has always been a place where I have found peace. Before I moved to Orlando, I grew up on a farm so being around nature and animals has always been a lifestyle for me. Animals do so much for us: Whether it is giving us warmth or just being there for us or even feeding us. Nature has always been an escape for me, whether I was mad or depressed or even happy and just wanted to get away nature was always there. It is important for us to take care of the world that we live in and to give back to the animals, after we willingly took their homes away from them. Out in nature, you are sure to find the beauty that this world offers. I know to some people animals may seem vicious, but animals protect their loved ones and their homes just as humans do. My passion for pictures of the skies and the ground and trees and everything in between is one most can not relate too. Being out in nature is sort of like meditation for me. It calms me down and makes me see the bigger picture in life. There is beauty in this funny place called life. I think that is why I take so many pictures of my surroundings outside. I take a lot of pictures of nature because, out in nature you can find the purest form of life!