
Personal memory by Angela Ellis

1996Marblehead, MA

I'm missing fireflies! Just 15 years ago when I first came to the US to live in Marblehead, Mass - we used to see fireflies twinkling in the trees beside the soccer fields - until they cleared the trees to build a new high school and parking lot. I saw just one firefly here last year - flickering alone and in vain. This year there seem to be none. It fills me with sadness to think about the habitat that is being gradually destroyed not just in my own backyard but across the whole world - and the lack of concern for the survival of the species and ecosystems that support life on this planet. Thank goodness for organizations like The Nature Conservancy and World Wildlife Fund that are working to preserve our remaining habitats and wild species..they need our help. Too late for the fireflies in Marblehead, though.. Wake up, world! Thank you for this wonderful exhibit and website.