Dune Collapse

Personal memory by Kai Koopman

2000 CEMontague, MI, USA

Growing up (during the 90s and 00s), my family and I went on the same summer vacation every year: to our neighbor's cottage near a little beach town called Montague, Mich. Built by our neighbor and her husband on a tall bluff overlooking Lake Michigan, the cottage had to jacked-up on blocks and moved a few hundred yards back from the bluff's edge during the years we vacationed there. If not for the move, the cottage would have collapsed over the lip of the eroding dune into the Lake. Storms, wind, and general weather volatility due to climate change, as well as human overuse, cause dunes to erode quickly. When we revisit that part of the Lake now, we can see how the dunes and beach have changed so much, even in a couple short decades.

Image: Ruth Hartnup via Flickr, Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)