China Could Change The Future Of Antarctica

2015 CEAntarctica

“While no single country can unilaterally determine the fate of the Southern Ocean, one nation — China — can play a major role in helping to safeguard this stunningly beautiful region. China is one of 25 members of CCAMLR, which has a mandate to conserve marine life around Antarctica... But shing all over the world has become more competitive, with about 90 percent of all sh stocks overexploited. Chinese eets, along with those of other nations, have looked to the Southern Ocean to ll the holds of their shing vessels. In fact, in a widely quoted statement earlier this year, Liu Shenli, chairman of the China National Agricultural Development Group, said, ‘We will increase our investment in the Antarctic area in terms of krill shing. The Antarctic is a treasure house for all human beings, and China should go there and share.’”

”How China could change the future of Antarctica’s Southern Ocean,” China Daily European Edition, October 27, 2015.
