Seine River

100 CE – 2016 CE

“Though the Seine has many weirs and locks, they are very shallow. The total drop between the sources and the sea is only about 470 metres, and most of this takes place in the Cote d'Or when the Seine is still only a trickle. There are no snow mountains to give spates in the spring, and the tributaries are all equally gentle. The Seine is in consequence a very slow meandering river; even at its full width, at Rouen, it only reaches an average of five hundred cubic metres of water a second (compared to the Danube's nine thousand). It is, as nearly as such a thing exists, a stationary river and slightest breeze is enough to move the surface of the water downwind, upstream.”

  • BIRDS: 22 species are extinct

  • FISH: 6 species are extinct

  • REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS: 8 amphibian species are extinct

  • INVASIVE SPECIES: 20 invasive and non-native species

Most Pressing Issues

Climate Change Flooding

Climate Change Flooding

Scientists estimate that global warming increased the probability of the June 2016 floods in Paris by 80% and it will continue to increase extreme weather events in the future.



Currently 17 million inhabitants, 1/3 of the French population, live within its reach and 1/2 of France’s heavy industry, 60% of the phosphoric acid plants, 37% of the petroleum works, and a pair of nuclear reactors flank the greater Seine.

Invasive Species

Invasive Species

The construction of canal links, dams and weirs during the 20th century caused historic fish stocks of the Seine to be overtaken by invasives.

Migratory Fish Loss

Migratory Fish Loss

The recent recovery of migratory fish species is fragile and efforts to maintain the quality of the water is crucial if more species of native fish stocks are to return.

Nogent Nuclear Power Plant

Nogent currently produces 1/3 of the electricity for the region of Ile-de-France. A potential leak or contamination of the plant would be devastating for the Seine watershed.

How You Can Help

SOS Mal de Seine

SOS Mal de Seine

L’association SOS Mal de Seine shares information on the state of pollution of on the Seine’s lakes, rivers, basins in port and coastline and organizes eco-tours and citizen cleanups.

Learn More about SOS Mal de Seine
Agence de l’Eau Seine-Normandie

Agence de l’Eau Seine-Normandie

The Agence de l’eau Seine-Normandie works to reduce pollution within the Seine, ensure the availability of drinking water and protect aquatic environments and wetlands.

Learn More about Agence de l’Eau Seine-Normandie
négaWatt Association

négaWatt Association

The négaWatt Association’s core objective is to address questions and provide operational answers to facilitate a successful switch to a sustainable energy system in France.

Learn More about négaWatt Association
L'Association Nationale pour la Protection des Eaux et Rivières

L'Association Nationale pour la Protection des Eaux et Rivières

L'Association Nationale pour la Protection des Eaux et Rivières The was founded by fishermen worried about the degradation of rivers. It has greatly contributed to the restoration of waterways in many regions of France.

Learn More about L'Association Nationale pour la Protection des Eaux et Rivières
Rives de Seine Nature Environnement

Rives de Seine Nature Environnement

Rives de Seine Nature Environnement works to protect and conserve natural spaces, resources, habitats, native species and the fundamental equilibrium of the water, air and soil.

Learn More about Rives de Seine Nature Environnement