
400 BCE - 2016 CE

“Delhi, as we were taught in school, has an ‘extreme climate'. And if Delhi is in every other aspect also a city of extremes, it is the sharp and sudden variations in temperature which explain its personality… Like all of northern India, Delhi has four distinct seasons: a brief vasant or spring, a long, sweltering summer, an erratic and moody monsoon, and a winter that ranges from chill to balmy... Delhi in the springtime boasts blue skies and green lawns, and an incredible profusion of flowers: roses, lilies, tulips, gladioli, larkspur. In the fields and villages that surround Delhi, acres and acres of bright mustard fields announce the spring… June in Delhi illustrates that a Delhiwala, like a cockroach, can survive anything, for such are the vicissitudes of weather… all too soon, the cycle of the seasons begins again, as the city changes and observes change itself. In every change there are always constants...what is Delhi's constants? There is the river, the Yamuna, roiling between Delhi and Nida, a mess of pollutants and sewage, dissatisfied, degraded, depressed. The river flows with it all, absorbing the best and the worst of the strange city that it nurtures.”

  • BIRDS: 3 species are extinct and 15 are endangered

  • FISH: 3 species are endangered

  • MAMMALS: 4 species are extinct

  • PLANTS: 16 species are extinct

  • INVASIVE SPECIES: 6 invasive and non-native species

Most Pressing Issues

Air Pollution

Air Pollution

Air pollution in Delhi is caused mainly by industry (power plants are the largest culprit) and 10,000 people a year die prematurely as a result.

Yamuna River Pollution

Yamuna River Pollution

Roughly half of all the city’s raw sewage goes straight into the river.

Species Loss

Species Loss

Populations of wild animals including tigers, cheetahs, lions, elephants, and wolves were devastated by sport by the 1900s and the remaining populations were further diminished by urban development.

Depleted Groundwater

Depleted Groundwater

Aquifers are a substantial source of residential water in Delhi and are in danger of depletion on account of excessive use.



88.1% of land has been converted from forest in the State of Delhi. Urban development continues to reduce forest cover, despite conservation legislation.

How You Can Help

Energy and Resources Institute

Energy and Resources Institute

The Energy and Resources Institute is a leading think tank dedicated to conducting research for sustainable development of India and the Global South.

Learn More about Energy and Resources Institute


Swechha is a youth-focused NGO that engages in environmental issues and takes young people on pilgrimage-type trips from Yamuna’s source in the mountains to Delhi.

Learn More about Swechha


Chintan works for environmental justice with diverse sections of society, focusing on ensuring equitable and sustainable production and consumption of materials, and improved disposal of waste.

Learn More about Chintan
Centre for Science and Environment

Centre for Science and Environment

The Centre for Science and Environment is a public interest research and advocacy organization that focused on sustainable and equitable development.

Learn More about Centre for Science and Environment