Zanzibar leopard

Extinct circa 1995 CETanzania

"Unguja Island in Tanzania’s Zanzibar archipelago is home to a subspecies of the African leopard known as the Zanzibar leopard or Panthera pardus pardus, which is feared to be stamped out owing to hunting by locals and habitat destruction. In terms of size, the leopard was the island’s most ferocious predator. As the human-leopard conflict intensified throughout the twentieth century, the leopard was demonized, and eradication initiatives were launched. The Zanzibar leopard was judged by wildlife researchers in the mid-1990s that the leopard population had little chance of long-term survival; thus, efforts to develop a conservation program for the leopard species were put on hold. Camera-trapped footage of a leopard in 2018 revived hope for the leopard population’s survival, although some researchers remain incredulous."

"Zanzibar Leopard – Taxonomy, History, Conservation & More,", May 15, 2022.

Image: Helle V. Goldman e Jon Winther-Hansen, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons