Vancouver, world's greenest cities

2023 CEVancouver, Canada

"Recognized globally for its commitment to environmental sustainability, Vancouver has undertaken a series of initiatives to become the world’s greenest city. Central to this ambition was the Greenest City 2020 Action Plan, a comprehensive strategy outlining Vancouver’s commitment to tackle environmental challenges across ten areas, including carbon emissions, waste, and ecosystem health. As part of this plan, Vancouver actively encouraged green building practices. The city has implemented stringent energy efficiency standards for new constructions and promotes retrofitting existing buildings to improve their energy performance. In addition to green construction practices, Vancouver has taken significant steps toward promoting clean energy. The city aims to derive 100% of its energy from renewable sources before 2050."

Raf Chomsky, "Hitting Green Goals: The 15 Greenest Cities In The World," Sustainable Review, August 20, 2023.

Image: Werner Bayer via Flickr, Public domain