Toolache Wallaby

Extinct circa 1939 CESouth-western South Australia

"Flannery (2001) identifies the Toolache wallaby as 'the most elegant, graceful and swift member of the kangaroo family.' Their speed was legendary; Australian 'sportsmen' ran them down on horseback or with greyhounds, but the wallabies often outran their pursuers. The Toolache (pronounced too-late-shee) was plentiful until around 1900, but hunting and farming took their toll, and by 1920 the species was considered rare. In 1924, an attempt was made to relocate some of the survivors to Kangaroo Island, but they all died. The last Toolache lived in captivity for twelve years, and died in 1939."

Ellis, Richard. No Turning Back: the Life and Death of Animal Species. New York, NY: HarperCollins, 2004. 228

Macropus grey, John Gould, F.R.S., "Mammals of Australia Vol. II Plate 19," London, 1863.