2014 CE • Antarctica
“The Ross Sea, a deep bay of the Southern Ocean in Antarctica, is the most pristine and untouched expanse on the planet. It's a fragile ecosystem and home to countless land, air, and ocean species, such as the Antarctic tooth sh, more commonly known as Chilean sea bass. Several years ago, New Zealand began to allow limited shing in this area, and in recent years up to 20 other countries have begun commercial shing operations, to the extent that the tooth sh is in grave danger of disappearing. And with its absence, the change in the food chain has brought danger to penguins, orca, and many other native creatures.”
Eva Elisabeth VonAncken, “The Last Ocean: The Tooth Fish and the Battle for Antarctica's Soul,” School Library Journal Reviews, March 1, 2014.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patagonian_tooth sh#/media/File:Tooth sh.jpg
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