The Costa Rican páramo

2021 CECosta Rica

"The Costa Rican páramo is a montane moist grassland and shrubland ecoregion that is found in the higher elevations of Costa Rica and western Panama, within the Cordillera de Talamanca . . . The steep slopes and remoteness of the Costa Rican páramo ecoregion have served to limit human development impact. It is, therefore, one of Central America's most intact habitats, featuring high biological richness. The ecoregion provides a habitat for high floral and faunal species diversity, many of which are endemic . . . Almost 85% of the species with restricted geographic ranges are dependent on the forest; most of these are species endemic to the Costa Rica-Chiriqui highlands. Endemism among amphibians is also high and at least seven small mammals are considered regional endemics." All of the Costa Rican páramo is legally protected under designated wildlife areas, included in the Chirripó National Park and La Amistad International Park.

"Costa Rican Páramo Ecoregion (Costa Rica, Panama)," Latin America & Caribbean Geographic, December 6, 2021.

Image: Mauricio Calderón, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons