Tanna Ground Dove

Extinction date unknownTanna Island

"Describing events of 17th August, the older Forster, Johann Reinhold, simply notes, 'I went ashore, we shot a new Pigeon and got a few plants and the fruit of the wild nutmeg.' Never again was the pigeon seen; even the specimen obtained has long since disappeared. Fortunately, a George Forster painting shows a dove not assignable to any known species. In its margin is written, 'Tanna, female, 17th August 1774.' There is little doubt, then, that this is a portrait of the mysterious dove of Tanna. When and why it died out cannot be said."

Fuller, Errol. Extinct Birds. New York, NY: Facts on File, 1988. 182-183.

Tanna Ground Dove, George Forster, 1774.