Syrian Wild Ass Extinct

circa 1928 CESyria

"According to the German zoologist, T. Aharoni: 'The movements of Bedouin troops during the Great War and the more recent incursions of the Wahabi tribes..have pushed back these extraordinarily shy, freedom-loving creatures into the heart of desert. They appear so sporadically now that most Bedouin tribes have not seen them at all in recent years.' Aharoni was writing in 1930 but there is every likelihood that the onager was already extinct by that time...As far as records show, however, the last wild Syrian Onager was shot in 1927 as it came down for water at the Al Ghams oasis not far from Lake Azrak in the Sirhan depression of north Arabia."

Yadav, P. R. Vanishing and Endangered Species. New Delhi: Discovery Pub. House, 2004.

Syrian Wild Ass in London Zoo, Frederick York, 1872.