Raw Sewage Dumped In The Sea


“Anatarctica, the most pristine continent on Earth, has a dirty secret. Human waste is being dumped there as governments turn a blind eye to normal standards. More than half of 71 Antarctic scienti c stations surveyed lack any kind of sewage treatment system... Fouling of the nearby marine environment was, until 2003, clearly visible at the largest station, the US McMurdo base. It had no treatment, and high densities of coliform bacteria damaged sea life along a one-kilometre shoreline. More recently... there was evidence salmonella bacteria had been brought to Antarctica by people, and E.coli had turned up in Antarctic wildlife for the rst time, in fur seals.”

Hobart, Andrew Darby. “Big stink brews in Antarctica; Raw sewage dumped in the sea.” The Age (Melbourne, Australia). (September 3, 2009 Thursday ): 448 words. LexisNexis Academic. Web.
