2017 CE • Chile
"The Rapa Nui Marine Protected Area encompasses 740,000 square kilometers (286,000 square miles) of Pacific Ocean surrounding Easter Island, or Rapa Nui... The MPA is intended to eliminate the pressures of commercial fishing and mining on the unique and isolated ecosystem of Rapa Nui... Some 142 marine species found nowhere else on Earth (27 of which are at risk of extinction) and 77 percent of the Pacific’s fish abundance thrive in the waters around Rapa Nui. An expedition in early 2017 uncovered even more species, some new to science, in the depths surrounding the island, many of which were striking shades of red and orange. In the depths of the ocean, as the sunlight fades, red wavelengths of light are absorbed first, rendering many of the new discoveries, such as the sunset-colored Anatolanthias fish and the ochre-hued sea biscuit (a burrowing, urchin-like creature) virtually invisible in the twilit water.Nearer the surface, coral reef fish like Pseudolabrus semifasciatus, a wrasse species splashed in purple, yellow and monochrome tiger stripes, are a vivid reminder of the region’s unique biodiversity. Almost one-quarter of all fish swimming off the island reside permanently near the surface."
Source: Salazar, Maria. 2018. “Easter Island Votes for World’s Newest Marine Reserve.” Mongabay.Com. February 27, 2018. https://news.mongabay.com/2018/02/easter-island-votes-for-worlds-newest-marine-reserve/.
Image Source: The Ahu a Akivi, Rapa Nui (Easter Island), Chile, Polynesia, Oceania, Creative commons via flickr, https://www.flickr.com/photos/eliasroviello/17840638359/
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