Przewalski's Horse

1960s - 2022 CE

Przewalski's horse

“The last true wild horse

and the only ancestor of the domestic horse that has survived to the present day.

The final abode of the Przewalski's was in southwest Mongolia 

where the last wild specimen was recorded in 1968. 

Habitat degradation and human activities including hunting and conflict 

along with competition with domestic livestock for water and forage 

were all thought to be responsible for the extinction of Przewalski's horse in the wild.”* Przewalski's horse

“The last true wild horse

and the only ancestor of the domestic horse that has survived to the present day.

The final abode of the Przewalski's was in southwest Mongolia 

where the last wild specimen was recorded in 1968. 

Habitat degradation and human activities including hunting and conflict 

along with competition with domestic livestock for water and forage 

were all thought to be responsible for the extinction of Przewalski's horse in the wild.”

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Image: Dana Sacchetti/IAEA via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic