Portland, world's greenest cities

2023 CEPortland

"Portland, located in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, has made sustainable living an integral part of its identity. Known for its eco-friendly ethos and practices, Portland consistently ranks among the greenest cities in the U.S. and serves as a model for sustainable urban living. One of Portland’s defining sustainability features is its comprehensive public transit system. The city boasts an extensive network of light rail, buses, and streetcars. Additionally, Portland has invested heavily in cycling infrastructure, providing over 385 miles of bikeways that encourage residents to opt for this carbon-free mode of transport. Portland’s commitment to sustainability also extends to energy use. The city aims to meet 100% of community-wide energy needs with renewable energy by 2050. To reach this ambitious goal, Portland promotes renewable energy sources and encourages energy-efficient building designs. Moreover, Portland is renowned for its green spaces. With over 12,000 acres of public parks and natural areas, the city offers abundant opportunities for residents to connect with nature without leaving city limits."

Raf Chomsky, "Hitting Green Goals: The 15 Greenest Cities In The World," Sustainable Review, August 20, 2023.

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