Phoenix Islands Protected Area

2006 CEPhoenix Islands

"The Phoenix Island Protected Area (PIPA) is a huge expanse of marine and land ecosystems in the Southern Pacific Ocean, surrounding the Kiribati group of islands known as Phoenix Island Group. The isolation of the area means that PIPA is a crucial habitat for migratory species as they traverse the Pacific Ocean, and as such is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Alongside 14 seamounts presumed to be underwater extinct volcanoes, PIPA has approximately 800 known animal species, including around 200 coral species, 500 fish species, 18 marine mammals, and 44 species of birds."

“World’s Largest National Parks: The Top 15 Parks by Size" 2019. Safarisafricana.Com. August 27, 2019.

Image Source: Coral reefs near Enderbury Island, Phoenix Islands Protected Area (PIPA) via wikicommons