Persian Gulf

2023 CEMiddle East

"The Persian Gulf is a waterway that runs along the Sea of Oman between Iran and the Arabian Peninsula. It covers an area of 237,473 km and is the third largest in the world after the Gulf of Mexico and the Gulf of Hudson . . . Due to the rich oil and gas resources in the Persian Gulf and its shores, this waterway is considered an important and strategic area at the international level . . . The Persian Gulf is one of the largest habitats for marine organisms such as corals," 907 different species of fish, "oysters, snails, mollusks, sea anemones, sea sponges, Jelly fish, turtles, many dolphins and sharks." The Persian Gulf's rich biodiversity is increasingly threatened by pollution from oil spills, industrial activities, coastal development, and overfishing. Climate change impacts, including rising sea temperatures and ocean acidification, further compound the challenges faced by the Gulf's wildlife.

"Persian Gulf," Iransafar tours, November 17, 2021.