Once Upon A Time In Mexico...

Personal memory by Sarai Tinck

2016Rosarito, Baja California, Mexico

When I was a little girl I remember going to Mexico to visit my grandparents, and on occasion we would visit the beach in Rosarito, Baja California. I remember so vividly how wide open and clean and unafraid I felt to run around playing in the sand. It was so undeveloped back then. A few years ago I remember going back and naively expecting to feel the same way, to find the beach in the same way I left it. It was not only so developed with houses and way more crowded than I ever remember it being, but sadly also very polluted. Trash could be found everywhere, and the sense of security I once felt to opening walk around had been tainted as well. Once upon a time, Mexico was a place I would never had been afraid to walk around at, but because of the rise in crime, and illegal activities,over the years, mostly caused by drugs, even if someone paid me, I wouldn't go back now.