Norway, highest share of renewable energy

2020 CENorway

"Norway is the country with the highest share of renewable energy in the world," with an almost entirely renewable-based system. Renewable resources account for 98% of energy generation as of 2020. Norway specifically utilizes "hydropower more than any other country around the globe - it accounts for 45 per cent of its supply alone. The Nordic country is known for its many steep valleys and rivers, as well as increased rainfall due to climate change, meaning hydroelectricity is bountiful." Norway is also known for being an exporter of electricity to its neighbors, so Norway's commitment to renewable energy impacts the surrounding Nordic countries.

Quote: Maeve Campbell, "Which country is the world leader in renewable energy in 2021?," Green, August 2, 2021. "Norway 2022: Executive summary," IEA, 2022.

Image: Statkraft via Flickr, Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)