Nendo Tube-nosed Fruit Bat

Extinct circa 1909 CESanta Cruz Islands, Solomon Islands

"The Nendo or Santa Cruz Tube-nosed Fruit Bat (Nyctimene sanctacrucis) is an extinct megabat from the Santa Cruz Group of the Solomon Islands, near the eastern limit of the distribution of tube-nosed fruit bats. It had tube-like nostrils and had a wingspan of about 40 cm. The last record was from the island of Nendo in 1907. The only specimen was a female donated to the Australian Museum, Sydney, in 1892. It may have become extinct due to forest destruction."

"Nyctimene sanctacrucis," Scientific Library.

Image: Brockhaus. Kaiser-Wilhelms-Land, Marshall-Inseln, Salomonen (heute Papua-Neuguinea, Marshall-Inseln, Salomonen. Digital image. Between 1894 and 1896. Web.