Mt. Ranier Ice Caves

Personal memory by Deborah Jackson

1984Mount Rainier, Washington 98304, USA

I visited Mt Rainier Park in 1984, hiking. I came upon a sign by caves of ice, large enough for a person to stand inside. The sign said that due to melting, entering the ice cave was dangerous - do not enter. I could not pass up the opportunity to see what light looked like from inside ice - what must that look like?! I ventured in although not too far. The bluish-white shapes of ice, more light in some areas than others, was stunning! And to be "wrapped" in this strange and beautiful experience was memorable. The following year, I read that the ice caves had melted, no longer to exist. At the time we did not have the words/concept of climate change; I just thought it was an effect of pollution. Naively I thought, maybe they would come back one cold winter.