Ranching and grassland conservation in Montana

2022 CEDodson, Montana

"The Nature Conservancy’s Matador Ranch sits within some of North America’s best remaining northern mixed-grass prairie. This land supports grassland birds that are in decline throughout their range. It is also home to black-tailed prairie dogs and the longest migration of pronghorn on Earth. The ranch is the site of our pioneering grassbank and the hub of research on grassland conservation. The way the grassbank works, local ranchers pay discounted fees to graze their cattle on the Matador in exchange for wildlife-friendly practices on their own operations. At a minimum that must control noxious weeds and not break any new ground (sodbusting). After that, the lease price drops for additional conservation measures such as protecting prairie dog towns, securing Sage-grouse leks, or modifying fences to make them safer for wildlife."

"Conserving Wildlife and Family Ranching at Matador Ranch," The Nature Conservancy.

Image: USDA NRCS Montana via Flickr, Public domain