Kenya Our Motherland

1967 CEKenya

"Beneath these mortal feet

is motherland,

Our Kenya Motherland

Freed in tears and blood,

The hump of Africa

Soaring skyways amid the clouds

[. . .]

Beneath thy heavenw'd heights

Tumble down the depths

That mark the Great Crack,

The scar of God's great axe

That split the rocks by force

Igniting fire beneath volcanic hills.

Oh Kenya Motherland,

Where flamingoes roost on sanctuary lakes,

And lions sunks in deep, deep slumber

Awake to the tune of hooting cars;

From whose eastern shores

Ever pounding waves scrub thy rocky ribs;

In whose northern desert land

Sand dunes roll over eternal silence . . ."

John Mbiti, "Kenya Our Motherland," 1967, in Africa Is Thunder and Wonder: Contemporary Voices from African Literature, edited by Barbara Nolen (New York, NY: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1972), 8.

Image: Ninara via Flickr, Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)