Indonesian Mangroves

2019 CEParemas, Indonesia

"Demand for firewood in recent years led to the depletion of the mangrove forest in the Indonesian village of Paremas. But the local government and NGOs worked with the community to emphasize the importance of restoring the mangrove, with surprising results. Today, the tidal pools on the coast provide food that can both sustain the locals and provide an income, allowing families to be less dependent on the remittances sent home by mothers and fathers working arduous jobs overseas. In addition to protecting biodiversity, the mangroves also absorb energy from large ocean swells and stop garbage from piling up in foul-smelling sumps on the beach."

Source: mongabayauthor. 2019. “For One Indonesian Village, Mangrove Restoration Has Been All Upside.” Mongabay.Com. September 24, 2019.

Image Source: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Indonesia, Creative Commons via flickr