Indonesia, global geothermal leader

2021 CEIndonesia

"Currently, Indonesia is the second largest producer of geothermal energy," with a capacity of 2,130.7 MW as of 2021, "and has the world’s largest geothermal energy potential. Home to about 40 percent of potential global geothermal resources, the Indonesian government has identified the sector as key to the country’s energy sustainability goals . . . Indonesia’s geography makes the island nation uniquely placed to tap into geothermal energy. Located by the Ring of Fire, the seismic activity surrounding Indonesia is extremely active, providing ample geothermal energy potential."

Alexander Chipman Koty, "An Overview of Indonesia’s Geothermal Energy Sector," ASEAN Briefing, July 28, 2022.

Statistics: "Geothermal Energy Market of Indonesia," Think GeoEnergy, May 2021.

Image: Geo Rising via Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic