Has The Mediterranean Lost Its Colors For Good?

Personal memory by Victoria Cassar

2005Nice, France

As soon as I could swim my dad taught me how to snorkel. Every summer we used to snorkel in the Mediterranean sea since my my grandparents live in the South of France. The fact that we would go back every single summer allowed us to observe quite accurately the changes in the ecosystems of that specific region. Gradually, the amount of fish, especially the amount of big fish, started dwindling. Octopi and eels used to be common finds, but now they have become so rare. Edible Urchins were once so abundant but today only the un-edible remain. I had almost given up hope, until last summer, for the first time in the last couple of years, I saw quite a few large sea breams. Hopefully they are making a comeback.

Alfonso González. "Octopus (Águilas, Spain)".