Harpy eagle

2020 CEAmazon Rainforest

"With their sleek, monochrome bodies, ferocious eyes, and exuberant facial feathers resembling avian pigtails, harpy eagles—one of the world’s largest eagle species—often are ranked among the planet’s most spectacular birds and at the top of many birders’ lists . . . As top predators, harpy eagles play a crucial ecological role, helping to keep populations of prey species in check . . . No one knows how many remain in the wild, but scientists do know that they’re disappearing. The powerful raptors once lived from southern Mexico to northern Argentina, but since the 1800s their range has shrunk by more than 40 percent and is now limited mostly to the Amazon . . . Deforestation from farming, mining, and development—the primary threat to harpy eagles’ survival—shows no signs of slowing."

Rachel Nuwer, "The heroic effort in the Amazon to save one of the world’s largest eagles," National Geographic, April 10, 2020. 

Image: Image: Josh More, harpy eagle_7, 2017, Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0).