Guadalupe Storm-Petrel

Extinct circa 1914 CEGuadalupe Island, Mexico

"It was first discovered by Walter E. Bryant. . . From specimens collected in January of 1885 but seems to have become extinct by the outbreak of World War I. . . . Goats were released onto Guadalupe more than 150 years ago and these animals caused a fairly rapid deterioration in the environment. More particularly, cats were introduced to the island and it is this agency that probably brought about the end for the storm petrel. . . . Bryant described the call as, 'here's a letter, here's a letter,' with an answering refrain of, 'for you, for you.'

Fuller, Errol. Extinct Birds. New York, NY: Facts on File, 1988. 62.

Keulemans, John Gerrard. Guadeloupe Storm-Petrel (Oceanodroma Macrodactyla). Digital image. Monograph of the Petrels' by Frederick Godman, 1907. Web. <>.