Ghost orchid

2023 CEFlorida and Cuba

"Ghost orchids grow in just a few places in Florida and Cuba. There are only about 1,500 left in Florida, and they're under threat from habitat loss and poachers . . . They cling to certain species of trees, don't have leaves, and are hardly visible for much of the year until the white flowers - just a few inches long - bloom. Because the plants are well camouflaged, when that happens, the flowers seem to float in midair, giving the ghost orchid its name . . . Among those threats are loss of habitat, destructive hurricanes and sea-level rise. But the No. 1 issue scientists and environmental groups are worried about is poaching. Ghost orchids rarely survive when taken from the wild. Poaching has already led to the extinction of at least two species of Florida orchids."

Greg Allen, "Environmentalists want to protect a rare 'ghost' orchid as an endangered species," NPR, September 17, 2023.

Image: Ghost Orchid, Big Cypress National Preserve via Flickr, Public domain