Fallen Trees

Personal memory by Randolph Black

2012West Orange, NJ, USA

Since 1994 I have been visiting Eagle Rock Reservation in Essex County New Jersey. I have spent countless hours on and off trails with my family, my dog and alone. After the Halloween Nor'easter of 2011 and Hurricane Sandy in 2012. The Reservation was devastated. The Nor'easter tore the tops off of nearly all tall Oak, Elm, Maple and Birch trees while bending or breaking limbs of the small and young. Trails vanished. With Sandy, trees were completely uprooted sometime in bunches as if to visually describe sudden alarming gusts within the forest. I documented photographically and through maps the changes in a series called Fallen Trees. There is rebirth from the roots and in another past era one could be consoled by nature's ability to start anew but just as the county is not replacing similar trees in parks and removing the old growth trees from populated streets, I cannot assume such storms are the once in a 100 year variety but will continue to plow this reservation. What was will no longer be...