Extinct In The Wild, Scimitar Oryx

2000North Africa

"The scimitar-horned oryx (Oryx dammah) is a nomadic arid-adapted antelope that was once abundant and widespread, inhabiting the vast arid land steppes that border the Sahara. Over a million oryx existed across its historical range between the Atlantic and the Nile, forming aggregations of thousands of animals during their annual migrations. Overhunting, compounded by drought, desertification, overgrazing and competition with domestic livestock drove the oryx to extirpation in the wild in the late 20th century... Recent efforts to address the causes of extirpation in the wild have led to the re-establishment of scimitar-horned oryx populations in eight protected areas in Tunisia, Senegal and Morocco.... By the end of 2011 the international studbook listed over 1,745 oryx in 222 zoological institutions around the world, with an estimated 14,800 additional animals held in private collections in the Middle East and Texas."

"Fighting Extinction." WAZA: World Association of Zoos and Aquariums2012: 25. .

Cash2013. Scimitar Oryx at Pombia Safari Park Italy. 30 Dec. 2013. <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Orix_sciabla.JPG>.