The Arrival of Animals, Dogon Myth

3200 BCEMali

"Amma, the creator, made the world . . . "Our creator is a wise and generous god" said a young man, "but there are words in our language for things I've never seen. What are these animals he spoke of? . . . These animals must live in the heavens. We should ask him to send some down to us." . . . It was agreed that a small band of people would climb up to the heavens and take one male and one female of each animal . . . There were giraffes and hippopotamuses, lions, and antelope, beetles, birds and fishes, and everyone other kind of animal you can think of grazing, running, flying, and swimming above the clouds."

in Philip Ardagh, "How the Animals Came," African Myths & Legends (Chicago, IL: World Book, 2002), 19-21

Image: Nerijp at French Wikipedia., CC BY-SA 1.0, via Wikimedia Commons