Personal memory by Kate Kogler
2024 • Watchung, NJ, USA
Suburban Massachusetts. Summer in the evening, the lights on in my bedroom, my window screen is covered in moths. If I open and close the screen quickly 20 or more insects fly in.
Suburban NJ. Summer in the evening, the lights on in my bedroom, not one moth. If I open my screen I wait for awhile for an insect to enter.
Care for the soil, air, water, native plants, and insects! ALL of life depends on these. Will the collapse of food web be a surprise?
Learn about Maya Lin’s fifth and final memorial: a multi-platform science based artwork that presents an ecological history of our world - past, present, and future.
Discover ecological histories and stories of former abundance, loss, and recovery on the map of memory.
Learn how we can reduce our emissions and protect and restore species and habitats – around the world.
See how art can help us rethink the problems we face, and give us hope that each one of us can make a difference.
Help make a global memorial something personal and close to home. Share your stories of the natural world.