Black-fronted Parakeet

Extinct circa 1844 CETahiti

"The very last record of black-fronted parakeets appears to date from 1844 during which year a Lieutenant de Marolles collected three birds, taking at least one skin back to Paris...Virtually nothing is known of the habits of these birds. By the natives they were called a'a but traditions of them have not been current for many years. There is no record of black-fronted parakeets occurring anywhere other than Tahiti. It is not known why they became extinct..."

Fuller, Errol. Extinct Birds. Ithaca, NY: Comstock Pub., 2001.

Athanase Parfait Œillet Des Murs, Marc. Platycercus Pheton = Cyanoramphus Zealandicus. Digital image. 1849. Web. <>.