Back From The Brink, European Bison

1900 CEEurope

“Formerly widespread throughout Europe until the 5th century, from the Pyrenees through to the Caucasus, it became extinct in the wild by the beginning of the 20th century, as a result of hunting and habitat loss. Rescuing the European bison from extinction began after the First World War, with 54 captive animals, all descended from only 12 founders. Today, with a total population of over 3,000 animals, the immediate danger of extinction has passed. Approximately 60% are in 31 free-roaming/semi free-roaming herds with the remainder spread amongst 200 captive herds.”  Today, the European Bison's greatest threats are habitat loss and fragmentation.

“Saving Europe's megafauna - European Bison Action Plan released by Bison Specialist Group” IUCN

Aure, Valène. Photo Taken in Réserve Biologique Des Monts D'Azur, Haut-Thorenc, France. 22 Aug. 2011.<>.