Antarctic Krill

1970s - 2022 CE

"A tiny crustacean that weighs less than a paperclip krill swim by the billions in the Antarctic seas The total weight of Antarctic krill is more than the total weight of all the people on earth. They are indispensable in the food chain. Without krill, most life forms in the Antarctic would disappear seals albatrosses and petrels penguins whales. Antarctic krill stocks have dropped by 80 percent since the 1970s because of global warming and overfishing for use in fish meal, pet food, and vitamin supplements. If overharvesting continues it could cause a collapse in the ocean’s ecology."


  • Avoid farmed salmon and most farmed shrimp.

  • Buy organic chicken and pork that is sustainably raised on a vegetarian diet.

  • Avoid products made with Omega-3 fish oils; instead, choose vegetable-based substitutes.


Ernie Kovaks

Cornell Lab of Ornithology