African violet

2016 CEEast Africa

The African violet has a rich ecological history as a native of Tanzania's tropical forests, where it thrives in the dappled shade of the forest floor, showcasing its adaptability to diverse environmental conditions. The African violet is also one of the most common houseplants, cherished for its vibrant blooms and easy cultivation. "But in the wild, this flower that blooms in brilliant shades of purple and pink is imperiled. The clearing of forests for timber and agriculture has endangered its native habitat, which forms a land-based archipelago of sorts, consisting of the highest points of the Eastern Arc Mountains that run through Kenya and Tanzania."

Charlotte Hsu, "Saving Saintpaulia, the African violet," University of Buffalo, June 21, 2016.

Image: incidencematrix via Flickr, CC BY 2.0 DEED Attribution 2.0 Generic