African cherry

1995 CEAfrica

Prunus africana, "commonly known as African cherry, is a medium to large evergreen tree found across montane forest regions of Africa. It can grow to 24m in height and has a blackish-brown bark. The species requires high light conditions and has a moderate growth rate. The species is planted as ornamental trees and is harvested for firewood, heavy construction, furniture, flooring, and other uses for its heavy and durable wood. The main conservation concern for this species, however, is the harvesting of its bark, which is used in African and European medicine. While the tree is resilient to bark removal, poor harvesting practices of the bark leads to death of the tree." This has led the species to be added to the IUCN Red List as vulnerable since 1995.

"Risk Tool: African cherry Prunus africana," Forest Governance and Policy.

Image: Scamperdale via Flickr, CC BY-NC 2.0 DEED Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic